Bible Exposed

A personal journey which starts on Dartmoor, Devon, England and ends with exploring numerical relationships in the Bible. This Blog purports to do as the title suggests, to expose the Bible and contraversially uncover hidden truths.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Bible Exposed - Finale

At last, after a very long interval, we now arrive at this final blog. I believe my investigations have reached a point where I feel that progress can no longer be made without some input from people in the Net community.

In previous articles, I feel that some of the points I have raised are so near the truth that they cannot and must not be ignored. So now I present my final challenge to you - a challenge that, if solved, could alter our perceptions of the major religions for ever.

So let's list the points which I think can be deduced from the numerology in the Penteteuch (five books of Moses):-

1) The Creation takes place in 4004 BC
2) This number is prominantly placed at the beginning of the King James Bible
and it is obvious that it must have some importance.
3) This number then "counts down" to the zero point of Christ's birth.
4) The years are not tropical or sidereal ones but are ones composed of 365 days
5) Each verse in the Bible is "worth" 14 days (see previous posts).
6) Each verse can then be used to "count down" to point zero in 14-day intervals

Thus the first important 31 verses which describe the Creation myth in chapter 1 Genesis defines a solar cycle, i.e. the sidereal years:-

4004 x 365 - 31 x 14 = 4000 x 365.2565

This is an extremely accurate measurement of the sidereal year.

Also verse 35 (Gen.2.4), which explains the operations of God in the following manner "These are the generations of the heavens and the earth ......", defines another solar cycle, i.e. the tropical year.

4000 x 365 - 35 x 14 = 4000 x 365.2425

Another extremely accurate mearsurement of the tropical year

Both the above cycles have surely been pre-arranged to occur at the appropiate places in the Bible. IT CANNOT be just accidental!

Now God in Gen.1 says that there are two "Great Lights" and they should be used "for signs and for seasons.........". So where are we now to find the defining verse for the full moon cycle? Well, I have discovered that at verse 206 (the last verse of chapter 8) is where the holy cryptographers have decided to hide their secret. Thus:-

4000 x 365 - 206 x 14 = 1458576 days
= 1008 x 1447 days

Now get your calculator and check out this wonderful coincidence of nature because:-

1447 days = 49 full moons

And so this equation reveals that - one full moon = 1447 / 49
= 29.5306 days

An astonishingly accurate correspondence with reality (29.53059).

So, to sum up, verse 206 defines to an extremely high accuracy 49392 full moons, or more importantly and even more neatly:-

4116 lunar years

Isn't this a wonderful revelation?! But it gets even better - chapter 8 tells the story of Noah discharging his relatives and pets from his holiday houseboat onto the dry earth. In other words, it is on this occasion that mankind has a new start and it just so happens that the end of this chapter should coincide with the first definition of the lunar cycle. Now is this accidental or is it a deliberate manipulation of the text and numbers to make a secret point?

It could be argued that the Bible is Holy only because of the hidden numbers relating to the passage of time.


Now I give you some questions that need to be answered by interested parties:-

1. Are there any more hidden numbers? They might not relate to the sun or
the moon but have a connection to planetary conjunctions.

2. If there more significant numbers, do they have any relationship to the text?

3. Is there a pattern of numbers which could then form the basis of statistical
analysis? This point is very important and would be conclusive as a proof.

4. Do not forget, as I pointed out in a previous post:-
The odd chapters total 4026 verses = 366 x 11
The even chapters total 4004 verses = 364 x 11
So is it possible that that these unusual numbers also "count down" to zero?
It might be here that the secrets are hidden.

5. Is it possible the Jewish encoders, with their Kabbalistic notions, have a
different system?

It is possible that there are many more questions that need to be answered but whatever - I urge you to INVESTIGATE.

Form communes, teams, partnerships, tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell everyone you can think of, even complete strangers - I don't care as long as you INVESTIGATE.

You may use, copy, scan, print any part or parts of these posts in any fashion you like for your own personal profit or for others - as long as you INVESTIGATE.

Whosoever completes this crucial task, uncovers the truth and publishes their results, may become as rich as Gates or Brown - well maybe Croesus! But, seriously, when one considers the above questions it becomes clear that what appears on the surface to be an easy task turns out to have hidden depths of complexity and this is why I have to enlist the help of others.

My time is short and I would like to leave this work in the hands of someone who possesses better computer skills and talents than I can muster. The people deserve to know the truth!

So good luck and GOD SPEED.

Contact Thatch343 @

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Bible Exposed - 7

In the last post I gave some reasons why I believe the number and cycle of 28 figured highly in the theories of Biblical philosophy and now I propose to provide an even more convincing argument why this number would have been so highly regarded.

There are two mysteries which I have found to be highly annoying because I was unable to provide a sensible, satisfying answer to either one of them. They are:-

1. If you accept the proposition that the books of Moses were arranged by man into so-called Holy Cycles, then how could I explain why there were a total of 187 chapters in the Torah? I say that when these books were being "designed" choices had to be made regarding the structure of the Holy Scriptures, so it would seem sensible that the choices were not random but meaningful. So what was the meaning of the 187 chapters?

2. In the Torah Moses designated Aaron and his sons to serve God and to organise the holy rituals in the temple. Chapter 24 of 1 Chronicles gives a much more detailed explanation of how the ritual (cycle) operates. There are 24 priests who each takes it in turn to spend one week of their time in the temple and so therefore a total of 168 days pass by before the first priest has to perform his service again. Once more I was at a loss to provide any sensible reason for this timespan. Why 24 priests? Why 7 days each? It is amusing to think of the people who argue that any number can be fiddled to be made important if enough effort is devoted to the task. Well I have tried in the past and completely failed until now.

Right, enough of these ramblings - let's cut straight to the chase and put forward my explanation:-

187 x 168 = 31416
Recognise this? Of course you do - it is the world's most famous number. It is the ratio of the circumferance of a circle to it's diameter. A circle with a circumferance of 31416 units has a diameter of 10,000. How wonderfully perfect is God's work! Do you think that everything I have stated in this blog and others could be just random or are these deliberate devices inserted by numerologists? Of course it is deliberate and this represents just one aspect of a conspiracy of which Dan Brown would be proud. The theory may not be as colourful as the Da Vinci Code but it certainly has to be taken seriously as the implications for the true believers could be devastating as they begin to understand that their religion hides within a rotten and maggoty pseudo-science which should have no place in the thoughts of intelligent and rational people.
So, just to finish:-
168 = 24 x 7 or 168 = 28 x 6
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pi!!

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Bible Exposed - 6

In the previous posting, I suggested that although the Jewish and Christian sects might have different numerological systems, they also might share a common foundation which they would both acknowledge as true and central to their core religions, just like they both accept the writings of Moses and the Prophets etc in both their canons.

So let's try and deduce where that common ground can be found. There are two important cycles which purport to enumerate the time which led up the the birth of Christ:-

1. Ussher - 4004 years = 4004 x 365 days
2. The Jewish version of the birth of Christ is approx. 3760 years
Is there some common theme which runs between the two cycles? The Jews tell us that to calculate the number of years that have passed since the Creation, you just have to add the above number to the present day. i.e. 2006AD + 3760 = 5768. It would appear they are treating each unit as a tropical year and we shall assume they are telling the truth. However, the early Jews (as evidenced by the Books of Enoch and the Dead Sea Scrolls) used a "Holy Year" of 364 days. This cycle made sure that the holy festivals were repeated on the same day of the week every year, it was never intended to follow the movements of the moon or the sun. Also, it is clear from ancient writings that this Holy Year was meant to be counted in much larger cycles of Jubilees, i.e.:-
1 Jubilee = 7 x 7 = 49 years or 49 x 364 days
= 17836 days
Now let's see if there is any evidence of this rather large timespan hiding in the Jewish date of Creation of 3760 years.
Therefore 3760 x 365.2425 = 1373311.8 days
and this number divided by 17836 = 76.997 Jubilees
We can now almost certainly assume that the approximate date of 3760 years can now be revealed as:-
77 Jubilees = 49 x 364 x 77 days
= 1373372 days
or = 3760.165 tropical years
It doesn't take long to realise that both cycles are related to each other in this fashion:-
4004 years = 4004 x 365 days
also 77 Jubilees = 4004 x 343 days
with 343 = 7 x 7 x 7 (what a wonderful number!)
So we are now forced to assume that this factor of 4004 days was highly significant to both cults. But why? Well, it is easy to show that the planetary conjunction period of Venus will happily fit into this number. The conjunction cycle can be defined as the number of days between two successive instances when Venus is at its maximum elongation from the rising (or setting) sun. Most astronomical books quote this period as 584 days, but this is only a rough approximation and the people of yore would most certainly want to compute the most accurate value possible because God's will must be reckoned correctly. It is no good having secrets if, at a later date, they turn out to be wrong - it just opens you to ridicule about your claim to have a direct line on the nature of God.
Let's assume the Venus/Earth conjunction period is equal to 583.91666 days (accurate to 90 seconds) or 14014 hours. The total hours of two such periods are thus 28028 or 7 x 4004.
Now we see the appearance of the number 4004 and the above explanation could be accepted as a very good reason why this number appears in both cycles.
Of course, some people could argue that the number 4004 might not be so important but a factor of 4004 might qualify. Well, the prime factors of 4004 are 2, 2, 7, 11, 13, and I feel that indeed if one number in particular is central to both Christianity and Judaism, then that number is 28.
I present the following to justify my choice:-
1. The first two chapters of the Bible total 56 verses and the last verse seems to draw a line under all of God's work which culminated in the creation of the man and his wife.
2. The Torah has 5852 verses = 209 x 28.
3. Kabbalistic theory points out that each hand of a human (who was created in the image of God) contains 14 bones. God used his hands to mould the Creation.
4. Obviously both dates of Creation contain the factor of 28.
5. The Jewish Holy Year of 364 days is equal to 13 x 28.
6. The number 28 is described, in mathematical terms, as Perfect, which means it is the sum of its divisors :- 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28. Of course, any cycle associated with God and his Creation just had to be "Perfect".
7. And, finally, the most convincing reason is the fact that I had previously seen a Jewish diagram which showed a circle which had its circumferance divided into 28 sectors. Each sector was named and the diagram was titled as "The 28 Camps of the Divine Presence".
Next time I hope to show that I am not mistaken in my assertion that the number 28 was very important to the Kabbalists.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Bible Exposed - 5

In the last posting I said I would investigate how the Jewish believers had mathematically arranged their holy book The Torah, but I am afraid that subject must be left until later because I have uncovered amazing new advances on the "Christian" front. Indeed, these new ideas are so thought-provoking I am beginning to think I shall have to stop differentiating between the two sects and just call them Kabbalists.

Right, let's get down to the facts!

Without going into all the boring preliminary work let me just state baldly two facts which I have stumbled on :-

4004 x 365 - 490 = 4000 x 365.2425
4004 x 365 - 434 = 4000 x 365.2565
The removal of 490 days from the s0-called "Ussher cycle" reveals 4000 tropical years and, likewise, the removal of 434 days reveals 4000 "Sidreal" years.
The modern figures for these two cycles are 365.2422 and 365.2564.
If these figures were known to these people then the accuracies are extremely good. But how can we tell if the Kabbalists were actually aware of the two hidden "Sol" cycles? Well, let's just rearrange the two deductions in the following manner:-
490 days = 70 weeks
434 days = 62 weeks
Now do you recognise these numbers? Of course you do! I am sure you are conversant with The Old Testament - no? Well, let me refresh your memory with the rambling apocalyptic writings of the prophet Daniel - especially in chapter 9.
Verse 24 says "70 weeks are determined on the people and on the holy city .............. etc."
Verse 26 says "And after three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off ............ etc."
Now I do not profess to understand what the Angel Gabriel is trying to tell Daniel but I do believe that these two lengths of time, found so close together in one chapter, are very significant indeed.
You have your doubts? Well, just observe these verses found in the New Testament:-
Matthew 24v15 "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel, the prophet, stand in the holy place (whoso readeth, let him understand)."
Mark13v14 "But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not (let him that readeth, understand)."
Mark 13v19 "For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be." (This verse has a direct reference in the margin to Daniel 9v26.)
"Let him who can understand?"
What are the conclusions we can draw from the above? Well:-
1. It is all a coincidence and all the numbers are just so much moonshine. This is the conclusion the believers are forced into accepting because the alternatives are just too devastating to consider, which are the Bible has underlying numerological theories. Shock, Horror! This is not God's work but the doings of men with their silly secrets which corrupt the holy writings! I believe in the safety-first principle. I do not like to be fooled. Religion is too important to be left entirely in the hands of a few men, therefore I say let's investigate everything with the object of uncovering any hidden systems. Better to be safe than sorry.
2. The book of Daniel is supposed to have been written about 160BC and we shall suppose the numbers were included in the original work. But how can they be? Such an assumption must mean that the Jewish writer of Daniel knew about the holy cycle of 4004 years and I was under the impression that this period of time was cooked up by Christian sages sometime in the sixteenth century. If this conclusion is correct, then the cycle must have been kept secret for over 2000 years from the trusting believers and also the originators of such calculations must have been the Jews or some other people who passed such knowledge onto the Jewish mathematicians at an earlier date.
3. The numbers were inserted by Jewish persons after Christianity became a Roman religion. But why? What's in it for them? For the Jewish people do not accept Christ at the Messiah. Therefore why bolster his claims?
4. The numbers were inserted by Christians after the death of Christ. This does not make sense because the numbers in Daniel are found in the Jewish Bible and why should the Jews copy the Christians?
If we ignore conclusion 1, then only conclusion 2 makes sense.
Right, enought of the accusations, let's back to the numbers.
The tropical year is defined as the time from equinox to equinox, or, if you prefer, solstice to solstice.
The sidral year is defined as the time for the earth to complete an orbit around the sun from a fixed position relative to the stars and then return.
If we are given the values for these two cycles then we can easily calculate the very large cycle of Precession (approximately 26,000 years). I shall leave the technical explantion of this cycle to the internet, on which it should be easy to search out. But I would like to emphasise that this cycle was clearly known to the Ancients and also they believed the star-studded sphere was considered to be the home of God and, because of the precessional cycle, the heavens appeared to be slowly revolving around the earth. Its importance must have been paramount in the minds of astronomers of yore because it is the ultimate and largest cycle to be found in their universe.
To calculate this cycle is simplicity itself. Thus:-
Divide (365.2565 x 365.2425)
by (365.2565 - 365.2425)
and the answer is 9529085.5 days
When I examined this cycle, as the Ancients must have done as well, I found little of interest except that when this answer is divided by the time of the orbit of Venus (224.7 days), this gives the result of:-
42408.04 orbits
This number factorises to 72 x 589.
Is this the 72 names of God, the Jewish Kabbalists claim to know? Or is it:-
"I am the Alpha and the Omega."
"I am the Bright and Morning Star."
Perhaps it is all One.
St. Luke 8v10 (speaking to the disciples) "and he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand."

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bible Exposed - 4

Having counted the numbers of verses in the Penteteuch to number 5852, I then wondered if the Christian elders had somehow hidden their holy cycle of 8030 in the sequence of chapters. It seems to me that they probably did arrange something clever because the verse totals in each chapter were slightly different from the Jewish Bible. As a starting point I considered the Five Books of Moses to be seen as a complete circle of 187 chapters and so, therefore, I thought, why not just continue the count with Genesis 1 being repeated at chapter 188 and so on........ After another 73 chapters I had counted another additional 2178 verses and this gave me a new total of:-

5852 + 2178 = 8030

Another coincidence???

Let's try and see just how unusual is this number occurring. The average chapter of the Torah is approximately 31 verses long. We can now see that any one number will appear at the end of the chapter and then there will be another 30 numbers that will not be "used" and then another number will appear at the end of the next chapter. This suggests to me that the odds of a number appearing as the last verse of a chapter is about 30:1 against. So now we can see that the number 8030 appearing in the list is about 30:1 against and, as the bookmakers will tell you, you cannot make money betting on such rank outsiders.

It now seems that such an occurrence is not accidental and the number appears because of the machinations of church cryptographers.

In my investigation of these cycles I can across a Pythagorean theory of the "quality" of numbers in which odd numbers were thought to have different attributes from even numbers. This table shows how this mumbo jumbo works:-

Odd Even
Right Left
Male Female
Light Darkness
Good Bad

and so on - I think you can get the picture. It is just a table of opposites and, as an aside, notice how the female column has all the suspect qualities. Perhaps this explains why women have nearly always been treated by the major western religions.

Anyway, I decided to now divide the chapters into two parts - odd and even - and then total the verses in each part to see if there was anything hidden. While I was dividing the total of 260 chapters into two equal parts, I speculated that it would be brilliant if the verse totals in each section were both equal and that the results would be:-

4015 + 4015 = 8030

but I didn't allow for the ingenuity of the church who came up with a much better system than I had realised.
The odd chapter totals were 4026
The even chapter totals were 4004
and some simple calculations showed that:-

4026 = 11 x 366
4004 = 11 x 364
and also 8030 = 22 x 365

Is this marvellous or what?
Is this yet another coincidence?
Surely NOT!

Get your King James, which I know you all treasure and love so much, and check my results. Make certain I am not manufacturing numbers to suit my own purposes. If these results do not make you a little bit suspicious of the church then I will have to resort to some serious imbibing to hide my despair!

I must point out that I believe the system of chapter division is purely a Christian device and not a Jewish one because I cannot find any evidence of this in the Torah when it is considered as a single unit of 5852 verses. The Jewish position is completely different (only to be expected) and I will endeavour to explain why their different cycle was important to them in my next posting.

Let me leave you with this quote - Isaiah 48v14
"My left hand has found the earth and my right hand has spread out the heavens."

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bible Exposed - 3

In the previous posting I proposed that the verse from Zechariah was the start of a holy cycle of 8030 verses which someone had arranged to symbolise the birth of Christ. There are two indications which suggest that this supposition is correct:-

1. A quick check through the two books of Zechariah and Malachi show that there isn't any other verse with such a significant "header note".

2. The Jewish Bible ends with the book of Chronicles but obviously the Christian Old Testament is different and has been rearranged so as to end with the books of the Prophets. It would be extremely difficult to find a verse in Chronicles which could be used to predict the coming of the Messiah but in Zechariah or Malachi it would be much easier to arrange for an appropriate verse to appear in the right place.

Many people have wondered why Christianity still clings to the Old Testament. Why don't they reject these horrid tales of murder and war and generally disgusting descriptions of sacrifices and only show allegiance to the New Testament which is generally a bit more civilised (overlooking the incredibly stupid book of Revelations)? The answer is always the same. The Old Testament prophesises many times the Coming of the Messiah who will save the world. Hence the predicitions are needed to underline Christ's status as the genuine article. Therefore, from my point of view, it must be theologically correct to extend the "holy cycle" of verses backwards into the Old Testament, as this will also underline Christ's role in history and provide a linkage between the two main sections of the Bible which should not be broken.

The Torah, Penteteuch or the Five Books of Moses
Jewish belief holds that God has revealed himself to Mankind through his descent onto Mount Sinai, as recorded in the book of Exodus. The Torah is the word of God as passed to the hand of Moses. As such it is the source of all wisdom as a guide to the nature of ultimate reality and creation. What is particularly to be noticed for the purposes of our study is the fact that the Torah was thought of as containing a magical structure and this idea became the central point for later Kabbalistic speculation. In short, the Torah was considered by many to be a cosmic blueprint of creation and time. Wherever the Bible mentions "The Law" it is referring to The Torah. For instance Jesus is quoted as saying, in St. Matthew chapter 5, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets. I am not come to destroy but to fulfill." We shall refer to this verse at a later stage as I believe it is very important.
I think I have said enough to show that the five books of Moses are central and extremely important to the beliefs of both Jews and Christians.
After finding the Christian cycle of 8030 verses, I then counted the number of verses in the Torah and the answer is:-
5852 verses
and this number, when it is factorised, is as follows:-
5852 = 266 x 22
or, alternatively:-
5852 = 38 x 7 x 22
The period of 38 x 7 days can be considered, obviously, as 38 weeks and this is the time that it takes to make a human being (on average) or, to put it in a different manner, this the gestation period of mankind. There are two "Creations" in the Bible, as written in Genesis 1 & 2. The first one is considered, in Kabbalistic thought, to be some sort of blueprint of Creation and the second one has Adam being made by God in this fashion - "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul."
It is extremely interesting and revealing that Adam's creation took place in the 38th verse of the Bible. This is probably the most important event of the Old Testament.
Are these events to be considered purely coincidental?
In the next blog I will try to expand on this subject further.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bible Exposed - 2

Well, after I had exhausted any further examinations of the stone rows and so looking for further employment, I then thought that I would form a rather contraversial theory which stated that ALL the major religions are derived from the astrological and astronomical roots of the bronze age cultures.

Here are some of the well-known examples of religious obsession with time-cycles and their measurement:-

1. Archbishop Ussher and his 4004BC.
2. In Europe the Pope and the church used to make all the decisions about the calender.
3. The Pharoahs of Egypt had to take an oath never to alter the 365-day calender.
4. The Jewish Kabbalah is full of references to astrology and numerology especially in the book called Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation).
5. The Hindu religion is also heavily involved with astrological theories.
6. European Christian monks in the Middle Ages would arrange an astrological reading for a client(charging the"root of all evil"of course)

This list, just like the stone rows, could go on and on and I am sure the reader could think of many examples where astrology was treated as a serious subject to be studied and used as a predictive tool for the benefit of mankind. Surprisingly, the so-called "rational" Greeks were also great believers in the power of astrology to solve many problems, especially in medicine.

All of the above examples are on record and open to examination by anyone. I did not want to investigate known things, I wanted to investigate unknown things. I like conspiracy theories. I like to think there are secret beliefs to which we are forbidden access. Because so many conspiracy theories are shown to be groundless, it does not mean that there are no conspiracies at all. As far as I can see, the human race loves to be part of "in" groups and to possess a knowledge of mysteries which are forbidden to the rest of the world. People who are "in" feel important, people who are "out" are losers! Religion is the perfect vehicle in which to form "in" groups with esoteric theories.

So where to start looking for the evidence? The Bible is the obvious choice. Christianity has Jewish origins which in turn, has very dodgy beliefs about numerological symbolism, as evidenced in their Kabbalistic theories. If there were any holy cycles concealed in the King James Bible then surely the first place to look would be in the New Testament. There can be nothing more important as far as Christianity is concerned.

So where to look for hidden cycles? The answer was found in the number of verses in the New Testament which totalled:-


Let's factorise this number to see its structure:-

7957 = 109 x 73

1. 73 can be considered a "good" number because 365 = 73 x 5 which obviously is the number of full days in a year.
2. 109 is "bad" because it does not have any obvious connection with cycles or numerology at all.

These conclusions threw me into a state of confusion and I decided to investiage many other theories which all turned out to be blind alleys and a complete waste of time.

Then there was the revelation - 109 is "bad" but 110 could be much better, so then:-

110 x 73 = 8030

But where were the missing verses? At this point I decided to count 73 verses backwards into the Old Testament and arrived at this rather alarming verse at Zechariah chapter14v4.

"And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and the toward the west and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the south."

This strange verse appears to have very little to do with Christianity until you read the notes at the head of the chapter composed by Christian scholars:-

"4. The coming of Christ and the graces of His Kingdom."

This note clearly shows that this verse was deliberately chosen to predict the imminent arrival of the Son of God on earth and therefore this verse, I believe should be taken as the beginning of a "holy" cycle. "But what cycle?" I hear you politely hiss under your breath with not the slightest sign of impatience.

We only have two cycles which predict the coming of Christ:-

1. Ussher's approximate 4000 years.
2. The Jewish date of Creation of approximately 3760.25 years.

If the number 8030 had any connection with either of these dates, then there had to be "a multiplying factor" which would have been used to total up such large numbers. I made the stupid but fortuitous assumption that the 4000 years were tropical ones. Therefore:-

4000 x 365.2422 = 1460968.8 days

and if this number were to be divided by 8030 then the answer comes to:-

= 181.94

I now assumed that I had just missed the factor and the answer should have been 182 which was excellent because:-

182 x 2 = 364 (the Holy Jewish Year as described in Enoch and the Dead Sea Scrolls)

Also 182 = 7 x 26 (so this number also contains the "holy number" 7).

So now, with a bit of reverse engineering, we can now calculate a new date of:-

8030 x 182 = 1461460 days

After testing the number to see if it contained whole numbers of Full Moon cycles, tropical years, conjunction periods for all the planets etc. etc., I almost missed the blindingly obvious fact which was screaming for recognition:-

1461460 / 365 = 4004

I had now arrived at Archbishop Ussher's date of Creation and the full result is this:-

1461460 = 4004 x 365
= 4015 x 364
= 8030 x 182

1. 8030 is a Holy Cycle which, if multiplied by 182, predicts the birth of Christ (re. Ussher).

2. Ussher used 365-day years and not tropical or sidereal years and chose not to make this fact clear.

3. Ussher wrote a book called "The Annals of the Old Testament"(dated 1650) in which he totalled various Biblical eras up to 4004 years. It is now apparent he must have started with this number and then arranged the Biblical time spans to arrive at the "correct" date.

4. Ussher claims to have uncovered this Holy Cycle but this just shows him up to be a liar because the verse structure total of 8030 was arranged in the Bible before he was actually alive! So the era of 4004 years, which dates the time span from the birth of Christ, must have been known well before the 1600's.

5. Notice how Ussher dates the Creation (Genesis 1) of the Universe to 4004BC (Before Christ), but then in the New Testament Christ's birth is dated to approximately 4 years before the so-called "Common Era". Is the "Common Era" the same as "Before Christ"? I don't think so. I think that Ussher would not have surrendered the Holy Cycle so easily, which is why he uses these two separate terms to describe the zero point.

These conclusions may not be complete and I may add further comments at a later stage. Also I intend to examine those most holy of books the five "Books of Moses", the Pentateuch (or the Torah). If there are cycles to be found then this should be a good place to find them.

Enough, I am tired and the great thirst is upon me!

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