Bible Exposed - 4
Having counted the numbers of verses in the Penteteuch to number 5852, I then wondered if the Christian elders had somehow hidden their holy cycle of 8030 in the sequence of chapters. It seems to me that they probably did arrange something clever because the verse totals in each chapter were slightly different from the Jewish Bible. As a starting point I considered the Five Books of Moses to be seen as a complete circle of 187 chapters and so, therefore, I thought, why not just continue the count with Genesis 1 being repeated at chapter 188 and so on........ After another 73 chapters I had counted another additional 2178 verses and this gave me a new total of:-
5852 + 2178 = 8030
Another coincidence???
Let's try and see just how unusual is this number occurring. The average chapter of the Torah is approximately 31 verses long. We can now see that any one number will appear at the end of the chapter and then there will be another 30 numbers that will not be "used" and then another number will appear at the end of the next chapter. This suggests to me that the odds of a number appearing as the last verse of a chapter is about 30:1 against. So now we can see that the number 8030 appearing in the list is about 30:1 against and, as the bookmakers will tell you, you cannot make money betting on such rank outsiders.
It now seems that such an occurrence is not accidental and the number appears because of the machinations of church cryptographers.
In my investigation of these cycles I can across a Pythagorean theory of the "quality" of numbers in which odd numbers were thought to have different attributes from even numbers. This table shows how this mumbo jumbo works:-
Odd Even
Right Left
Male Female
Light Darkness
Good Bad
and so on - I think you can get the picture. It is just a table of opposites and, as an aside, notice how the female column has all the suspect qualities. Perhaps this explains why women have nearly always been treated by the major western religions.
Anyway, I decided to now divide the chapters into two parts - odd and even - and then total the verses in each part to see if there was anything hidden. While I was dividing the total of 260 chapters into two equal parts, I speculated that it would be brilliant if the verse totals in each section were both equal and that the results would be:-
4015 + 4015 = 8030
but I didn't allow for the ingenuity of the church who came up with a much better system than I had realised.
The odd chapter totals were 4026
The even chapter totals were 4004
and some simple calculations showed that:-
4026 = 11 x 366
4004 = 11 x 364
and also 8030 = 22 x 365
Is this marvellous or what?
Is this yet another coincidence?
Surely NOT!
Get your King James, which I know you all treasure and love so much, and check my results. Make certain I am not manufacturing numbers to suit my own purposes. If these results do not make you a little bit suspicious of the church then I will have to resort to some serious imbibing to hide my despair!
I must point out that I believe the system of chapter division is purely a Christian device and not a Jewish one because I cannot find any evidence of this in the Torah when it is considered as a single unit of 5852 verses. The Jewish position is completely different (only to be expected) and I will endeavour to explain why their different cycle was important to them in my next posting.
Let me leave you with this quote - Isaiah 48v14
"My left hand has found the earth and my right hand has spread out the heavens."
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