Bible Exposed - 2
Well, after I had exhausted any further examinations of the stone rows and so looking for further employment, I then thought that I would form a rather contraversial theory which stated that ALL the major religions are derived from the astrological and astronomical roots of the bronze age cultures.
Here are some of the well-known examples of religious obsession with time-cycles and their measurement:-
1. Archbishop Ussher and his 4004BC.
2. In Europe the Pope and the church used to make all the decisions about the calender.
3. The Pharoahs of Egypt had to take an oath never to alter the 365-day calender.
4. The Jewish Kabbalah is full of references to astrology and numerology especially in the book called Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation).
5. The Hindu religion is also heavily involved with astrological theories.
6. European Christian monks in the Middle Ages would arrange an astrological reading for a client(charging the"root of all evil"of course)
This list, just like the stone rows, could go on and on and I am sure the reader could think of many examples where astrology was treated as a serious subject to be studied and used as a predictive tool for the benefit of mankind. Surprisingly, the so-called "rational" Greeks were also great believers in the power of astrology to solve many problems, especially in medicine.
All of the above examples are on record and open to examination by anyone. I did not want to investigate known things, I wanted to investigate unknown things. I like conspiracy theories. I like to think there are secret beliefs to which we are forbidden access. Because so many conspiracy theories are shown to be groundless, it does not mean that there are no conspiracies at all. As far as I can see, the human race loves to be part of "in" groups and to possess a knowledge of mysteries which are forbidden to the rest of the world. People who are "in" feel important, people who are "out" are losers! Religion is the perfect vehicle in which to form "in" groups with esoteric theories.
So where to start looking for the evidence? The Bible is the obvious choice. Christianity has Jewish origins which in turn, has very dodgy beliefs about numerological symbolism, as evidenced in their Kabbalistic theories. If there were any holy cycles concealed in the King James Bible then surely the first place to look would be in the New Testament. There can be nothing more important as far as Christianity is concerned.
So where to look for hidden cycles? The answer was found in the number of verses in the New Testament which totalled:-
Let's factorise this number to see its structure:-
7957 = 109 x 73
1. 73 can be considered a "good" number because 365 = 73 x 5 which obviously is the number of full days in a year.
2. 109 is "bad" because it does not have any obvious connection with cycles or numerology at all.
These conclusions threw me into a state of confusion and I decided to investiage many other theories which all turned out to be blind alleys and a complete waste of time.
Then there was the revelation - 109 is "bad" but 110 could be much better, so then:-
110 x 73 = 8030
But where were the missing verses? At this point I decided to count 73 verses backwards into the Old Testament and arrived at this rather alarming verse at Zechariah chapter14v4.
"And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and the toward the west and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the south."
This strange verse appears to have very little to do with Christianity until you read the notes at the head of the chapter composed by Christian scholars:-
"4. The coming of Christ and the graces of His Kingdom."
This note clearly shows that this verse was deliberately chosen to predict the imminent arrival of the Son of God on earth and therefore this verse, I believe should be taken as the beginning of a "holy" cycle. "But what cycle?" I hear you politely hiss under your breath with not the slightest sign of impatience.
We only have two cycles which predict the coming of Christ:-
1. Ussher's approximate 4000 years.
2. The Jewish date of Creation of approximately 3760.25 years.
If the number 8030 had any connection with either of these dates, then there had to be "a multiplying factor" which would have been used to total up such large numbers. I made the stupid but fortuitous assumption that the 4000 years were tropical ones. Therefore:-
4000 x 365.2422 = 1460968.8 days
and if this number were to be divided by 8030 then the answer comes to:-
= 181.94
I now assumed that I had just missed the factor and the answer should have been 182 which was excellent because:-
182 x 2 = 364 (the Holy Jewish Year as described in Enoch and the Dead Sea Scrolls)
Also 182 = 7 x 26 (so this number also contains the "holy number" 7).
So now, with a bit of reverse engineering, we can now calculate a new date of:-
8030 x 182 = 1461460 days
After testing the number to see if it contained whole numbers of Full Moon cycles, tropical years, conjunction periods for all the planets etc. etc., I almost missed the blindingly obvious fact which was screaming for recognition:-
1461460 / 365 = 4004
I had now arrived at Archbishop Ussher's date of Creation and the full result is this:-
1461460 = 4004 x 365
= 4015 x 364
= 8030 x 182
1. 8030 is a Holy Cycle which, if multiplied by 182, predicts the birth of Christ (re. Ussher).
2. Ussher used 365-day years and not tropical or sidereal years and chose not to make this fact clear.
3. Ussher wrote a book called "The Annals of the Old Testament"(dated 1650) in which he totalled various Biblical eras up to 4004 years. It is now apparent he must have started with this number and then arranged the Biblical time spans to arrive at the "correct" date.
4. Ussher claims to have uncovered this Holy Cycle but this just shows him up to be a liar because the verse structure total of 8030 was arranged in the Bible before he was actually alive! So the era of 4004 years, which dates the time span from the birth of Christ, must have been known well before the 1600's.
5. Notice how Ussher dates the Creation (Genesis 1) of the Universe to 4004BC (Before Christ), but then in the New Testament Christ's birth is dated to approximately 4 years before the so-called "Common Era". Is the "Common Era" the same as "Before Christ"? I don't think so. I think that Ussher would not have surrendered the Holy Cycle so easily, which is why he uses these two separate terms to describe the zero point.
These conclusions may not be complete and I may add further comments at a later stage. Also I intend to examine those most holy of books the five "Books of Moses", the Pentateuch (or the Torah). If there are cycles to be found then this should be a good place to find them.
Enough, I am tired and the great thirst is upon me!
Here are some of the well-known examples of religious obsession with time-cycles and their measurement:-
1. Archbishop Ussher and his 4004BC.
2. In Europe the Pope and the church used to make all the decisions about the calender.
3. The Pharoahs of Egypt had to take an oath never to alter the 365-day calender.
4. The Jewish Kabbalah is full of references to astrology and numerology especially in the book called Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation).
5. The Hindu religion is also heavily involved with astrological theories.
6. European Christian monks in the Middle Ages would arrange an astrological reading for a client(charging the"root of all evil"of course)
This list, just like the stone rows, could go on and on and I am sure the reader could think of many examples where astrology was treated as a serious subject to be studied and used as a predictive tool for the benefit of mankind. Surprisingly, the so-called "rational" Greeks were also great believers in the power of astrology to solve many problems, especially in medicine.
All of the above examples are on record and open to examination by anyone. I did not want to investigate known things, I wanted to investigate unknown things. I like conspiracy theories. I like to think there are secret beliefs to which we are forbidden access. Because so many conspiracy theories are shown to be groundless, it does not mean that there are no conspiracies at all. As far as I can see, the human race loves to be part of "in" groups and to possess a knowledge of mysteries which are forbidden to the rest of the world. People who are "in" feel important, people who are "out" are losers! Religion is the perfect vehicle in which to form "in" groups with esoteric theories.
So where to start looking for the evidence? The Bible is the obvious choice. Christianity has Jewish origins which in turn, has very dodgy beliefs about numerological symbolism, as evidenced in their Kabbalistic theories. If there were any holy cycles concealed in the King James Bible then surely the first place to look would be in the New Testament. There can be nothing more important as far as Christianity is concerned.
So where to look for hidden cycles? The answer was found in the number of verses in the New Testament which totalled:-
Let's factorise this number to see its structure:-
7957 = 109 x 73
1. 73 can be considered a "good" number because 365 = 73 x 5 which obviously is the number of full days in a year.
2. 109 is "bad" because it does not have any obvious connection with cycles or numerology at all.
These conclusions threw me into a state of confusion and I decided to investiage many other theories which all turned out to be blind alleys and a complete waste of time.
Then there was the revelation - 109 is "bad" but 110 could be much better, so then:-
110 x 73 = 8030
But where were the missing verses? At this point I decided to count 73 verses backwards into the Old Testament and arrived at this rather alarming verse at Zechariah chapter14v4.
"And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and the toward the west and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the south."
This strange verse appears to have very little to do with Christianity until you read the notes at the head of the chapter composed by Christian scholars:-
"4. The coming of Christ and the graces of His Kingdom."
This note clearly shows that this verse was deliberately chosen to predict the imminent arrival of the Son of God on earth and therefore this verse, I believe should be taken as the beginning of a "holy" cycle. "But what cycle?" I hear you politely hiss under your breath with not the slightest sign of impatience.
We only have two cycles which predict the coming of Christ:-
1. Ussher's approximate 4000 years.
2. The Jewish date of Creation of approximately 3760.25 years.
If the number 8030 had any connection with either of these dates, then there had to be "a multiplying factor" which would have been used to total up such large numbers. I made the stupid but fortuitous assumption that the 4000 years were tropical ones. Therefore:-
4000 x 365.2422 = 1460968.8 days
and if this number were to be divided by 8030 then the answer comes to:-
= 181.94
I now assumed that I had just missed the factor and the answer should have been 182 which was excellent because:-
182 x 2 = 364 (the Holy Jewish Year as described in Enoch and the Dead Sea Scrolls)
Also 182 = 7 x 26 (so this number also contains the "holy number" 7).
So now, with a bit of reverse engineering, we can now calculate a new date of:-
8030 x 182 = 1461460 days
After testing the number to see if it contained whole numbers of Full Moon cycles, tropical years, conjunction periods for all the planets etc. etc., I almost missed the blindingly obvious fact which was screaming for recognition:-
1461460 / 365 = 4004
I had now arrived at Archbishop Ussher's date of Creation and the full result is this:-
1461460 = 4004 x 365
= 4015 x 364
= 8030 x 182
1. 8030 is a Holy Cycle which, if multiplied by 182, predicts the birth of Christ (re. Ussher).
2. Ussher used 365-day years and not tropical or sidereal years and chose not to make this fact clear.
3. Ussher wrote a book called "The Annals of the Old Testament"(dated 1650) in which he totalled various Biblical eras up to 4004 years. It is now apparent he must have started with this number and then arranged the Biblical time spans to arrive at the "correct" date.
4. Ussher claims to have uncovered this Holy Cycle but this just shows him up to be a liar because the verse structure total of 8030 was arranged in the Bible before he was actually alive! So the era of 4004 years, which dates the time span from the birth of Christ, must have been known well before the 1600's.
5. Notice how Ussher dates the Creation (Genesis 1) of the Universe to 4004BC (Before Christ), but then in the New Testament Christ's birth is dated to approximately 4 years before the so-called "Common Era". Is the "Common Era" the same as "Before Christ"? I don't think so. I think that Ussher would not have surrendered the Holy Cycle so easily, which is why he uses these two separate terms to describe the zero point.
These conclusions may not be complete and I may add further comments at a later stage. Also I intend to examine those most holy of books the five "Books of Moses", the Pentateuch (or the Torah). If there are cycles to be found then this should be a good place to find them.
Enough, I am tired and the great thirst is upon me!
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